Phoenix Club Friday

PHOENIX Club Friday & FREE Races

Welcome to ‘Phoenix Fridays - CLUB Friday’ – with permanently reduced price weekday events where for every five Friday’s you enter online, you get 1 FREE! As if Phoenix Friday’s could get any better!

We recognise that some folks like to run on week days and that not everyone has weekends off and so our Club Friday running was born. Many of our Friday runs have their own themes with their own awesome Phoenix medals, however we always bring a selection of ‘pick n mix’ medals from previous Phoenix events, so if there’s one you missed, or one you want, you can request a medal in advance – just drop us an email, and, if we have it, it’s yours!

NOTE: Club Friday and FREE races also includes our sister events at RUNNING MILES. So if you book any RUNNING MILES Thursday’s online, they also count towards your FREE races.

All entries must be made online through our own website and the EventEntry platform in order to count for the Club Friday's FREE Friday’s offer.

Claiming your FREE Fridays’

This is all tracked and done through your Phoenix World, where you’ll find a ‘CLUB Friday – FREE Fridays’ radial chart on the dashboard, just below your profile picture. This nifty little widget will record all your online paid ‘Phoenix Friday’ entries and Running Miles Thursday’s and for every five that you enter online it will give you a FREE-Phoenix-Friday. This is completely automated and not just based on your Phoenix Fridays already run, but rather Phoenix Fridays entered, so it’s past, present and future Fridays and therefore you don’t have to wait to claim your FREE-Friday. You can claim your freebie as soon as you’ve entered five Friday’s or Thursday’s.

Thank Phoenix it’s Friday!