Paul Lenihan

Here are Paul's all time Phoenix Running results

Event Date Time Distance Pace Bib
VIRTUAL - Death Valley VULTRA II Virtual 029:29:53 136.2 00:12:59 V
VIRTUAL - Route 66 VULTRA - Unlimited Virtual 319:43:04 866.4 00:22:08 V
VIRTUAL - Sparta VULTRA Virtual 026:32:02 135.2 00:11:46 V
VIRTUAL - God of Thunder Virtual 01:47:31 9.5 00:11:19 V
VIRTUAL - Wild West Wander Virtual 00:30:01 2.2 00:13:38 V
VIRTUAL - VE Day Run - we will not go quietly into the night Virtual 00:45:37 4 00:11:32 V
VIRTUAL - D-Day Military Series Run Virtual 00:47:53 1.7 00:27:40 V